Thursday, July 28, 2011

     Below is a list in order of how the process of this assignment should be handled. Follow the steps numerically and it will help make the assignment as painless as possible!

  1. Read through the WebQuest thoroughly, so that you understand where to find the best sources and fully understand the directions. 
  2. Start researching different products on their given webpages. See the task pages for the hyperlinks and names of the products we will be discussing. 
  3. After researching, find out what is the differences between them. Ask yourself questions such as:
      1. When would I prefer to use a tablet versus a laptop? or desktop?
      2. What is the difference between the three different categories?
      3. What can you do on a laptop that you cannot on a tablet? or desktop?
      4. What is the difference between the different brands? For example, what does the dv6t HP laptop have that the Dell Alienware doesnt?
      5. Which one would you recommend from each category? Why?
  4. Remember what you researched! There will be no notes, index cards, or cheat sheets at our discussion.
  5. Schedule an appointment to have our discussion before or after class, by using the scheduling sheet provided on the back of the classroom door.  
  6. Look over the websites one more time, and show up on time!

Created By : Shawn Granitto

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